CrocMalyi2.gif (28963 bytes) FritCitFwr.gif (37853 bytes) IrisGray.gif (24351 bytes)  


Image 31k
Crocus Malyi
I had this as seed from
Roger Pullett.  It was
sown 27Jul88 and has now
increased to three flowering
bulbs.  It is probably one
of the rarest I grow.


Image 36k7
Fritillaria Citrina
I grew this from Alpine
Garden Society seed
sown on 27Feb85.  This
is the second year that
it has flowered, and this
year had two seedheads.
There are many young 
plants from the 'rice
grains' that the larger 
bulbs produce in profusion.
Image 23k7
Iris Grayburiana
I grew this juno from seed
and now have five bulbs
two of which are flowering.
FritHermAman.gif (31029 bytes)      
Image 30k3
Fritillaria Hermonis
 ssp Amana
This I got at the 
AGS Show on 14Mar87.


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