<p>I upgraded my ICL 486-20Mhz by installing an Intel Atlantis
motherboard in Feb96.<br>
It initially ran on an Intel P90 but I have now upgraded to a K6 running at 200MHz.<br>


<p>The bios was initially an AMI v1.00.06.CL06, but has now been upgraded to MR BIOS typeV097B51X Version 3.28 ; hardware includes Adaptec
AHA-2940 v1.23 SCSI adapter running Seagate 4G ST15150W and a backup IBM DCAS 34330 also 4G. On the
same SCSI bus is an Archive Python 28388 2G
tape drive, all running off EZSCSI 4.0. I am running on a beta of Win98 which allows two monitors: one is a 14" Dell SVGA and one an ICL Ergopro 141v also 14".  Two small monitors are in my opinion better than a single 17" and are also more cost effective:-). The Atlantis has
very poor sound output unless you use active speakers (which I
dont), so I have rigged up a cheap audio power amp feeding a
couple of surplus 20W car radio speakers.</p>


<p>I also have NE2000 Ethernet connection to my son's computer
using TCP/IP using Win98 peer to peer. I borrowed a digital camera from a friend to take the photos that you can see on the bulb pages</p>


I connect to the internet via a US-Robotics 28k Sportster.</p>

