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My family and I have lived in Henley-on-Thames since 1975. The town is on the borders of Oxon, Bucks and Berks on the Thames in England. It is world renowned for rowing.It is one of the nicest places to visit on the river and the Town Working Group (soon to become the Henley Partnership), of which I am a founder member, is working to improve its attractions for townspeople as well as visitors. It is soon to have a world-class museum, currently in its fitting out stage. The museum is devoted to informing and preserving the Thames river heritage, and Henley's long association with international rowing.Henley Festival has set up a superb set of webpages that are well worth visiting. Responsibility for local government here resides with the Henley Town Council, of which I am currently a member, although responsibility for planning, housing and social services resides with South Oxfordshire District Council and highways with Oxfordshire County council.

Page created on 03Aug96 | Last modified on 14Feb98 | Visited Countertimes

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