Index Henley Ariel Awning Furniture Bulbs Geneology Centre Personal Bronze Bike

Palladium Convector


Welcome to Dave Smewing's pages

I have split these pages into the things that I have been interested in, in chronological order :-
I live in Henley-on-Thames in Oxfordshire, England.
You can find out about an early hobby (xerophytic bulbs) and why I started here
I spent some time in the late 90's researching the Smewing geneology, more data at: Smuin geneology Page
The design of this website is around a single theme, cut Ariadne's thread and go directly here
If you are interested here is info on me and my system from about 2006: DaveInfo Page
At the turn of the century I spent several years developing bronze casting in my back garden.
I am in the process of restoring an Ariel Arrow Motorcycle originally designed by Valentine Page who also designed the Brough Superior.
In 2014 I designed a low weight carbon fibre folding bicycle that can be made in my back garden.
In 2015 I designed a sun and rain awning using tensile structure methedology
Just before the pandemic I was working on furniture that can be 3D-printed.
Recently I have been working on a Palladium project. But I paused this project in May2023 to
work on a CFD project on a convector radiator


Page created on 03Aug96 | Last modified on 02Mar23 | Visited Counter times

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